If you fear dental appointments, call our office to find out if oral sedation is right for you based on your medical history and current medications. If you're a good candidate for oral sedation, Dr. Oyler will select an appropriate anti-anxiety or sedative drug for you to take at a pre-determined time before your appointment. These safe, widely prescribed drugs diminish anxiety and help patients relax.
Your anxiety level will help Dr. Oyler determine your dosage, which in turn will determine your consciousness level during the appointment. Some patients become so relaxed that they drift off into a restful sleep during their procedure. Throughout your appointment, we'll closely monitor your vital signs to ensure your safety. When you choose oral sedation, you must have a responsible adult drive you to and from your appointment and spend some time with you afterward until the sedative wears off completely.
In general, patients choose oral sedation if they:
The anti-anxiety medications used for oral sedation have been prescribed and studied for many years, so potential side effects are well documented. These drugs are generally safe for most patients and have a low incidence of side effects, which tend to be minor.
We look forward to meeting you. Call (812) 537-4272 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.