Full & Partial Dentures

Types of Dentures  

Depending on the extent of your tooth loss, oral health needs, and personal preferences, you can receive one of the three main types of dentures:

Full Dentures

A full denture is most likely what you picture when you think of dentures. An entire arch of artificial teeth is attached to a pink acrylic base, which rests on your gums and stays in place with natural suction and/or adhesive cream. Full dentures are typically designed to be removed when it’s time to clean them.

Partial Dentures

Also called partials, partial dentures fill the empty spaces in your mouth when you still have some natural teeth left. Secured behind remaining teeth with inconspicuous metal clasps, partials complete your smile like the missing piece of a puzzle. Like full dentures, they may also be removed for maintenance.  

Implant Dentures

For a more reliable, durable tooth replacement, a full or partial denture can be anchored onto a small number of dental implants. These titanium posts are surgically inserted into the jaw, where they fuse with the bone to create a sturdy foundation for your replacement teeth. Implant dentures renew more chewing power, last longer, and do not slip around in your mouth. Plus, they can be fixed in the mouth or removable based on your preferences.

Benefits of Dentures

You’ll soon find that replacing your missing teeth with dentures comes with a host of benefits, such as:

  • A tried-and-true method that has rebuilt millions of people’s smiles
  • A more youthful facial appearance
  • Filling gaps in your grin that would otherwise cause your remaining teeth to drift out of place
  • Boosted confidence and self-esteem
  • An easy-to-maintain restoration
  • An affordable solution that does not require oral surgery

Are Dentures Right for Me?

Most patients who have lost most or all of their natural teeth make good candidates for dentures. If your jawbone is not strong enough to support dental implants, dentures can make a good alternative. That said, you’ll need to be willing to still maintain your oral hygiene and clean your dentures regularly to keep your smile in good health. We can discuss your eligibility for dentures during your consultation and come up with a smile solution that’s right for you!

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

At Oyler Family Dentistry, patients who come to see us for dentures can expect a personalized appointment that discusses everything from eligibility requirements, the process of producing the prosthetic, as well as the cost of dentures in Lawrenceburg. Because no two patients are alike and each case is different, our team will use several factors to determine the overall cost for treatment. We will also help individuals maximize their dental insurance benefits as well as provide flexible financing through CareCredit or enrollment in our dental wellness savings plan.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

As you contemplate how much you can expect to pay for your new dentures in Lawrenceburg, it’s important to note there are 3 unique factors Dr. Oyler will consider:

  • Preliminary treatments such as tooth extraction or periodontal therapy before moving forward with denture creation
  • The materials used to create the base of the denture (acrylic) and how it will be matched to the shade of your gum tissue
  • Materials used to create your artificial teeth, which are typically crafted from acrylic or porcelain

If you find a professional who offers dentures at a cheaper price, be wary. Lower quality materials are not always the best, especially when it comes to crafting these prosthetics. Paying a bit more for high-quality solutions will ensure you get to enjoy your smile longer and avoid more frequent adjustments and replacements.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

It is possible that Dr. Oyler will discuss the possibility of implant dentures. Yes, they are more expensive than traditional dentures; however, the investment you’ll make upfront will actually save you in the long run. With these prosthetics, you can enjoy greater stability, functionality, and longevity. Instead of replacing your teeth every 5-10 years, implant dentures can last 30 years or longer with proper maintenance. Also, they work to stimulate the jawbone because they truly mimic the natural tooth structure from the root to the crown.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Most dental insurance companies will agree to cover a portion of your denture treatment. Because it is considered a restorative service, your insurer may cover 50-80% of the total cost, which means outstanding cost savings for you! Of course, much of this is dependent upon whether you’ve met your deductible and if you have enough of your annual maximum remaining. Our team at Oyler Family Dentistry will be happy to review your plan and maximize your benefits. We’ll also file any necessary paperwork and claims on your behalf, so you can focus more on your future smile and less on the financial stress that can come with it.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

To help with any remaining expenses you incur with your denture treatment, or if you are uninsured, your denture dentist in Lawrenceburg is pleased to provide two alternative options for payments:

  • Dental Wellness Savings Program – For a one-time annual fee, you can receive access to high-quality dental care. Along with preventive services, you can also receive exceptional discounts on other available treatments.
  • Flexible Financing – With CareCredit, you can enroll in a low or zero interest plan that allows you to break up the cost of your treatment into monthly installments.

Dentures Aftercare

Dentures can completely transform how your smile looks and functions. However, even if you don’t have any remaining natural teeth, you still need to see your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups. Your dentist will continue to monitor any existing teeth you have and your gums. They will also be on the lookout for abnormalities that could indicate oral cancer. When you have dentures, it is very difficult to notice these changes in your mouth on your own. Early detection from your dentist is key to making a full recovery!

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Remove After Eating

After you eat, you should remove and rinse off your dentures. This will help to prevent buildups of food debris and plaque. When rinsing, don’t use hot water. This can warp the denture material and cause them not to fit properly anymore.

Clean Your Restoration

Take your dentures out when you clean them. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or denture cleanser, gently brush your dentures. You shouldn’t use regular toothpaste because it is too abrasive for the materials that your dentures are made from. If you aren’t going to wear your dentures again right away, put them in a container of water or denture-cleansing solution so they don’t dry out and lose their shape. Always rinse your dentures thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth. These cleaning materials aren’t intended to be in the mouth.

Keep Your Dentures Safe

When you clean your dentures, place a towel beneath them just in case you accidentally drop them. This will reduce the probability of your dentures becoming damaged. Also, keep your denture out of reach of small children and pets.

Remove When You Sleep

Take your dentures out before bed. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft-tissue irritation. Sleeping with dentures has also been associated with a higher risk of pneumonia as well as higher levels of gum and tongue plaque. While you aren’t wearing your dentures, keep them in a denture-soaking solution to prevent them from drying out and permanently losing their shape.

Notice Changes

Always be on the lookout for changes so you can address them with your dentist. This includes anything from mouth sores and gum irritation to signs of infection. If your dentures get damaged, don’t try to repair them on your own. You could accidentally damage them further. Instead, give us a call to let us know what’s going on. You should also come to us with any signs that your dentures aren’t fitting properly. Your dentures may need to be relined or replaced.

Denture FAQs

If you’re still curious about dentures in Lawrenceburg, you’re in the right place. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office with any specific concerns. A friendly team member will always be happy to provide you with the information you need. Until then, we’ve included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about dentures. Read on to learn more!

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Is It Hard to Talk with Dentures?

When you first get dentures, it will take some time to get used to speaking with them. This is because you’re so used to speaking with your natural teeth. The time it takes to adjust to talking with dentures will vary from person to person, but usually, the more you practice, the faster you’ll be able to get used to your prosthetic smile. Due to changes in your palate, you may have a lisp with dentures at first. However, once you learn to correct these changes, the lips will go away. For practice, try to read out loud and speak slowly. Denture adhesive can also help you speak by giving your smile extra stability.

Can I Have My Dentures Relined if They Don’t Fit Properly?

The shape of your dentures can change over time due to natural wear and tear, which is why they often have to be relined or repaired. It’s also common to need dentures refitted after your gumline or underlying bone structure starts to transform. We will perform a soft reline if your gums appear to be sensitive to the pressure of your dentures. We can add extra cushion to the prosthetic so it doesn’t cause irritation. If more extensive changes are necessary, we will recommend a hard reline, which will involve multiple visits because we must send your dentures to a lab. It’s important to note that insurance often does not cover the cost of a reline.

Can I Use Regular Toothpaste to Clean My Dentures?

It’s vital to brush and rinse your dentures daily but this should not be done with toothpaste. This item is abrasive, and it can actually leave microscopic scratches on the surface of your dentures, seriously damaging them over time. For the same reason, avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush to clean your prosthetic. You can clean your dentures with hand soap or mild dishwashing liquid, however there are also specialized denture cleaners. Be sure to clean your dentures after every meal to keep them looking and feeling great.

How Much Does It Cost to Have Your Teeth Pulled and Get Dentures?

Your cost will depend mainly on how many teeth need to be extracted as well as how complex the extractions are. Usually, surgical extractions will cost more than simple ones. For full dentures, you must have all your teeth removed, however this is unnecessary for partial dentures. If you’re going to get implant dentures, the cost of your implant surgery and restoration must also be accounted for. To get a precise estimate for your extractions, please contact our office for a consultation with one of our experts.

Learn More About Full & Partial Dentures

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